Sunday 13 January 2013

Chapter 1

I woke up around 10:30 checked my phone i had a bbm from layal

Hessa shrayich teyeen baitna ilyoum?

Okay as2al mama w agoulich

I went down stairs
Me: 9ba7 el khair
All: 9ba7 el nour
Me: mama 3de ilyoum arou7 3end layal?
Mama: okay bs meta?
Me: chethy bel 5
Mama: okay bs la6wleen
Me: inshallah.
I went upstairs and bbmed layal
Mama rethat

Wanasa t3lay at 5


So the time went by fast and it was 4:00 i took a shower and curled my hair and changed into my jeans and a white shirt with a leather dark blue jacket and my yellow hunter.

I went to layals house
Layal ana bara t3laylee

Okay coming

Layal came out
Layal: hello baby
Hesaa: hey love
And we hugged each other

I went in and saw abdullah layal's brother 1 word HOT
Abdullah: salam hessa shlounich?
Hessa: el7imdellah zaina
Abdullah: doum
Hessa: weyak
We went upstairs and started chatting
Layal: 7e9o?
Hessa: mmm..
Layal: shrayich nrou7 neg3ad bara el jaw 3jeeb
Hessa: yala
We went outside and sat on the chairs
Layal: ana baru7 aswey hot choco 7ge w 7gich w ayee ok?
Hessa: ok
So i sat outside waiting foe her faj2a wla abdullah eyeee
Abdullah: hessa deshay dakhel
Hessa: laish?
Abdullah: lana bard mabeech tistmrthain
Hessa: shd3wa 3de
Abdullah: inzain laish g3da bro7ich?
Hessa: layal g3da itswey hot choco 7ge w 7gha
Abdullah: oh okay ana bg3ad weyach 3la ma teyee
Hessa: 7yak
Abdullah ya g3ad yam hessa

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