Sunday 13 January 2013

Chapter 6

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down probably will. You'll have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder everytime. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke yours. You'll fight with your best friend and maybe fall in love with them. You'll blame new love for for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone close to you. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll NEVER get back.

I saw fahad my heart skipped a beat he was wearing a abercrombie shirt with shorts he was just perfect. Shafnii w kan emtane7.
Layal: shfee oma hatha emtane7 feech??
Me: umm..madre
Layal: guleely kel shay tara an a3rfich
Me: 9arly shahar aklma w he's sweet.
Layal: bs sweet? Age9 eedy ela it7ibeena
Me: ee bs he doesn't
Layal: emballah embayeen 3ly shoufay shloun e6al3ich
Me: well i hope so

Sheftha w i couldn't believe my eyes she was beautiful. Wait ana shg3ed agoul??
Ana a7ibha?? EE W AMOUT FEEHA B3D fahad?? She doesn't love you back embayeen.

Back to hessa.
Fahad:3ash min shafich
Hessa: 3asht ayamek
Fahad: hessa you look pretty;*
Hessa: thankyou:$
And i blushed.
Fahad: umm..hessa entay tist7een meny?
Hessa: la2 shaku :/
Fahad: your blushing
Hessa: i'm not
Fahad: as you like :)
And i ignored y3nee shbgoul??
Dwart a bag bas madre ay wa7da akheth
Me: offf madre ay wa7da akheth
Layal: shoufay ay lon fahad e7ib w ikhthay bag 3la his favorite colour.
Me: okay
Hessa: what's your favorite colour?;p
Fahad: blue;p
Hessa: ok

Me: his favorite colour is blue.
Layal: ok 3yal buy a blue one
I bought a blue bag then i ate dinner and then i went home.
Me: salam
Mama: w3alikom el salam
I kissed her forehead
Mama: ha shraity jan6a?
Me: ee ana ast.then.
I went upstairs and changed into my pjs and tucked myself in bed.
1 dm it was from fahad.
Fahadalx: hessa ana lazem agoulich shay
Hessaalx: gol
Fahadalx: umm...mayengal ehnii lazem bel phone.
Hessaalx: gol ehnii mu ela phone.
Fahadalx: khal9 mu lazem agoul.
Hessaalx:umm..hatha my number 996*****
Fahadalx: ok
After 5 minutes he called
Me: alooo
Fahad: hala shlounch?
Me: zaina enta?
Fahad: good
Me: soo....shkent betgoul?
Fahad: hessa ana.....
Me: enta shnu?
Fahad: ana ummm..aaaa...shetsween?
Me: fahad lat.thay3 el mowtho3 now shfeek?
Fahad: bgoulich bs awal sem3enii b3dain teklmay.
Fahad: hessa ana mu awal mara sheftich eb starbucks dshaitay galby your kind and sweet w jameeela. Hessa ana 7baitech w mu bs 7baitech ela A3SHEEGICH ana mu g3ed al3ab 3laich wallah entay fakray bely g3ed agoula b3dain guleely.
Fahad: fakray 3del.
Me: fahad ana daykha bru7 anam.
Fahad: gn noum el 3wafy.
I thought of what fahad said and then slept.
I woke up the next day at 9:00 madre laish bs shab3ana noum. I went to the bathroom did my stuff then went downstairs i found my mama.
Me: 9ab7 el khair
Mama: 9ab7 el nour ha elyoum g3da embacher.
Me: shaswey mafeenyy el noum.
Mama: madam g3da embacher shrayich ana weyach nru7 nitrayg bara?
Me: ok
I went upstairs and wore my dark blue skirt with a white flow top with my heels and waved my hair i grabbed my lv bag along with my phone and went outside.
We arrived and ate when we finished we went back home.
i decided to tell fahad what i feel.
Hessaalx: fahad?
Fahadalx: hala?
Hessaalx: i thought about it.
Fahadalx: so what do u think?
Hessaalx: I........

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