Saturday 30 March 2013

Chapter 12

While I was running I found Starbucks I went in and ordered one white mocha and walked back to the hotel while I was holding my phone I bumped into a tall muscular figure.
I looked up and my face turned pale I saw aziz the one who ruined my life ugh!
Aziz: shloun wahab :)
Oh I know where he's getting to.
Me: wallah zain a7sn min ma yomkin
Aziz: Tara ana makhl9t minech ya Hessa.

I tooked my hot white mocha w g6aita 3la aziz.
Me: sorry =))
Aziz: ana awreech ya Hessa eb tendemeen 3la kel shay tsweena.
Me: nshuf :).
G3adt bel lobby shway then I called my mother.
Me: aloo mama matboun nru7 netghada?
Mama: emballah
Me: yala ana bel lobby an6erkom
Mama: ok ka nazleeen.
I waited for 5 minutes then they came down, we went and ate lunch then went shopping alittle we came back at 5:30 .
I went to my room, took a warm shower
Straightened my hair and wore this

Lana we were going to a musical.
I finished everything at 7, we all rode taxi and went to the musical.
Kan za7ma 7ail w kel kuwaityeen
I bought some popcorn and a coke and took a seat, I checked my phone wla khaledalflani wants to follow you I accepted him and followed him
“ at a musical ” I tweeted.
After 5 minutes I got a dm from khaled.
Khaled: Alan ;p
Me: hala ;p
Khaled: shlounich?
Me: zaina
Khaled: 3aasaaa
Me: weyak ;*
Khaled: ay musical
Me: wicked
Khaled: ohh enjoy ;*
Me: thankyou xx
Khaled: anytime
I left my phone lana the musical started.
It was amazing I really enjoyed it.
I went back to the hotel when I saw...

Friday 22 March 2013


You know what? Yes, I have changed. I'm not as nice as I used to be, because I don't want to get used or walked over, I don't trust everyone and tell them my secrets, because every fake smile is a backstabbing bitch. I distance myself from people because in the end, they're only going to leave. I have changed because I have realised that I'm the only person I can depend on

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Chapter 11

This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up becuase if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.

After a while a man came in he was old he came up to me with his hands in his pocket.
Man: why didn't you give my daughter some money ( he was angry)
I was terrified.
Me: because your just pretending to be poor.
The man took a knife out of his pocket and came near me I was scared.

I turned around and found khaled.

Khaled P.O.V
I was hungry so I went to a restaurant and saw a man holding a knife walking towards Hessa. I was angry I went and fought with the man.

Back to hessa's P.O.V
Khaled fought with the man OMG!! Cute g3ed edfe3 3ny, their was blood all over the guys face a7san! Khaled had blood coming all from his nose and his face was bruised 7aram!!
Me: khaled thankyou! Omg your nose is bleeding!! :((
Khaled: masweet shay
Me: excuse me can I have some ice please.
Waiter: sure mam.
The waiter came back with ice I took the ice and put it on khaled's bruised face and took some tissue to wipe the blood.
Khaled: you don't have to.
Me: emballa I do you saved my life khaled, thankyou!
Khaled: anytime ;)
I went to the hotel and slept I woke up the next morning went to the bathroom did my stuff and changed into my juicy training suit and made a ponytail I took my phone and head phones and went to a morning jog.
While I was running I found Starbucks I went in and ordered one white mocha and walked back to the hotel while I was holding my phone I bumped into a tall muscular figure.
I looked up and my face turned pale I saw aziz the one who ruined my life ugh!
Aziz: shloun wahab :)
Oh I know where he's getting to.
Me: wallah zain a7sn min ma yomkin
Aziz: Tara ana makhl9t minech ya Hessa.

I tooked my hot white mocha w g6aita 3la aziz.
Me: sorry =))
Aziz: ana awreech ya Hessa eb tendemeen 3la kel shay tsweena.
Me: nshuf :).

Saturday 2 March 2013

Chapter 10

It was one thing to make a mistake it was another thing to keep making it. I knew what happened when you let yourself get close to someone, when you started to believe they loved you: you'd be disappointed. Depend on someone, and you might as well admit you're going to be crushed, because when you really needed them, they wouldn't be there. Either that, or you'd confide in them and you added to their problems. All you ever really had was yourself, and that sort of sucked if you were less than reliable.
When we arrived to the hotel we checked in, the hotel was great but it had lots o Kuwaities.
I unpacked my bag and changed my clothes into a grey top and black jeans along with my Lv scarf and bag which were red and my brown boots. I went for a walk in Oxford street and shopped a little when I finished I went to have dinner in spaghetti house I went
Lady: hello mam table for how many person?
Me: 1 please
Lady: okay please follow me
I followed her to the table and sat while I was reading the menu a girl came in she was pretending that she was poor but she wasn't she came up to me
Girl: can you give me some money I'm poor and my family needs money.
Me: sorry I'll only give you some food.
Girl: no!! I don't want food i want money!!
Me: please can you go away your bothering me.
A man who works in the restaurant took the girl out of the restaurant.
After a while a man came in he was old he came up to me with his hands in his pocket.
Man: why didn't you give my daughter some money ( he was angry)
I was terrified.
Me: because your just pretending to be poor.
The man took a knife out of his pocket and came near me I was scared.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Chapter 9

A guy came and sat next to me.
Let me describe him.
He was tall and muscularhe had brown curly hair honey eyes and braces. He's hot
I remembered what fahad did and cried silently. He stared me.
Guy: mabee a9eer malgof or anything bas shfeech?
Me: wla shay.
Guy: you can trust me.
Me: I trusted someone w t7sft so now I don't trust easily.
Guy: Kaifech.
The guy gave me some tissue.
Me: thanku
Guy: welcome
I smiled
Guy: Ana khaled al flani
Me: Ana Hessa al flani
khaled: 7lw esmich.
Me: m7ad 7lw ghairek. eb a low voice
Khaled: geltay shay?
Me: eee gelt thankyou
Khaled: oh ok

Khaled P.O.V
She's beautiful. Her eyes are magical I felt sorry when I saw her crying.
She made my day when she said ma7d 7lw ghairek bas Ana swait nafsy masem3t.

Hessa P.O.V
I slept after talking to him. He was so sweet and he made me forget fahad.
When they bought the food khaled woke me up. I ate watched some movies till we landed
Khaled: nice meeting you
Me: you too
We went and took our bags when we finished.
Khaled: yeah and you look cute when you sleep.
And walked away I smiled.
Rekbna el taxi and off to the hotel we went.

Thursday 31 January 2013


When you first know a person they can care about you, always be there by your side.. But some people can be like this just in the beginning then they change. They show you that they care and show you that they love you but some people suddenly change, they just meet a new person and do the same thing that they did with you. Yeah this life is full of people like this, FAKE people.

What I hate most or what everyone hates is when someone makes a promise and brakes it, they promise you that they will always be there for, you but when you need them the most they aren't there for you and you were always there for them, it hurts doesn't it? They promise you things ohma mu gadhaa, well you shouldn't make a promise you can't keep..

In the life we live in its full of fake and 2 faced people, and full of people who only care about themselves they care about their feelings only and not care about others, they care about what they feel and not about the person who they broke.. Nas ma tfakker ila bnafs'haa.

Mithil il nas ily tedawer faydat'ha bil 7ayat o ma yhmha ghayr nafs'ha, or can I say selfish people..
These type people may have many friends they might be living their life, the type of person ily when he loses a friend ygoul 7ayatey ma tougaf 3alayh and he has ghayrah.
But you know one day these people are gonna stand by their self and have no one next to them.
And if you think ina 8eemtik bayn il nas ra7 t8el itha you had a problem with a person and i3tethart even if you weren't il ghal6an then you're wrong, bil3aks ra7 tekbar b3ayn kil insan and mafeeha 3ayb if you apologized to someone, and if a person came to you and apologized make sure that this person is a true friend, he doesn't do it 3ashan shay but he does it because he doesn't want to lose a friend. And I'm talking about the true people ily fahmeen not the ma9la7cheeya cuz fe nas mumkin tridlik 7ag ma9la7a well you're the one who's gonna be the judge.

Always think positive and look at the bright side, and make sure you don't trust anyone easily we live in a life with dangerous people.

Chapter 8

Mama: 7e9a 7beebtyy a7na bensafer 7ag 2 weeks London after tomorrow.

Hessa: 9ij?!

Mama: ee

Hessa: Wanasahh!

Mama laughing: yala ru7ay sway your bag

Hessa: enshallah yal 7ub <3 <3

I went to my room and did my bag when I finished I called Layal and told her she was happy bs in the same time sad lana she'll miss me =D faj2a eshtahate Starbucks. Dgait 3la yasmin 3shan ashug Etha tabee teyee weyay.
Yasmin: HALAAA FEECH, haa shatbeen?
Me: shnu infe9aaam, teyeen Starbucks
Yasmin: KAAAAK! eeee
Me: ok khal9y 30 mins w amurich
Yasmin: ok ok bye
I changed into this:


And went to pick Yasmin up I told her about el safra w soulfna. Till we arrives to Starbucks. We went in and I saw a fimiliar face it was fahad he was with a girl :o
I was shocked I felt like crying but I didn't cus he's not worth my tears we ordered the drinks then fahad noticed me and his reaction was also shocked I gave him a Death stare and walked out of Starbucks.
Redeet Yasmin el bait then went home and slept.
I woke up the next morning with a headache so I skipped school today.
The day was normal.
It's the day I take off to LONDON!
I woke up happy went to the bathroom did my stuff then put my hair in a ponytail and wore this:


76ait eyeliner and a baby pink gloss and went downstairs I ate some break fast the. We went to the air port. G3dna shway the they announced that we must go to the gate. We went to the gate waited a bit then to the airplane I sat at the back alone their was an empty chair beside me faj2a wla someone sits in the chair it was...

To be continued

Sunday 13 January 2013

Chapter 7

Hessaalx: I love you too, I just can't
Fahadalx:if you do then why?
Hessaalx: fahad please understand
Fahadalx: i do :(
I want to be with him bas fe shay min dakhley that's says to stay away from him.
I called Layal and told her what happened she said that its better chethy.
So... Tomorrow is school ONE THING ABOUT ME I HATE school bas I miss my friends a lot.
I watched some movies then slept.
me: ummmm...
Me: k. Get out
I got up and went to the bathroom took a shower and did my stuff when I finished I wore my uniform and let my hair down it was curly.
I went down stairs
Me: I smell pancakes
Maid: yup your favorite with Nutella
I ate then went to school
I saw my friends Yasmin,Jana,Dina
Yasmin is so close to me I tell her everything she is so special I love her.
Dina and Jana are also close to me bas mu nafs Yasmin.
I hugged them 7ailll
Yasmin: I miss you 7a9u9
Me: Ana Akthar wallah
The day went by fast w il7imdellah me and my friends are in the same class.
I went back home and saw my mom
Me: Salam
Mama: 3laikom el salam ru7ay bdly w nezly swaitlech machboss deyaay w b3dain bklmich eb mawtho3.
Me: okay
I changed my clothes then ate.
Mama: Hessa t3lay dary.
Me: inshallah.
I went to her room.
Mama: Hessa.......
I was shocked

What did she say??? Know in the next post

Please read

If someone tells you i love you or one of your friends just show them that you care a simple i love you too won't hurt. Why don't you start the conversation sometimes trust me it will make their day 3ashan you don't lose them.
Now your wondering why im saying this 9a7? Because i love someone and i always start the conversation first they dont star the convo only if they want something they dont make the effort of keeping the conversation going, they never cared and always replay late. I always wanted to ask them why do they do this? But i cant. They broke my heart. My problem is that i can never hate them madre shsbab, w maymor youm ma2klmhom fee tadroon laish??? Lana i love that person wayed mu shwaya i really do i just want to know if they love me back.

Please read

If someone tells you i love you or one of your friends just show them that you care a simple i love you too won't hurt. Why don't you start the conversation sometimes trust me it will make their day 3ashan you don't lose them.
Now your wondering why im saying this 9a7? Because i love someone and i always start the conversation first they dont star the convo only if they want something they dont make the effort of keeping the conversation going, they never cared and always replay late. I always wanted to ask them why do they do this? But i cant. They broke my heart. My problem is that i can never hate them madre shsbab, w maymor youm ma2klmhom fee tadroon laish??? Lana i love that person wayed mu shwaya i really do i just want to know if they love me back.

Chapter 6

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down probably will. You'll have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder everytime. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke yours. You'll fight with your best friend and maybe fall in love with them. You'll blame new love for for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone close to you. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll NEVER get back.

I saw fahad my heart skipped a beat he was wearing a abercrombie shirt with shorts he was just perfect. Shafnii w kan emtane7.
Layal: shfee oma hatha emtane7 feech??
Me: umm..madre
Layal: guleely kel shay tara an a3rfich
Me: 9arly shahar aklma w he's sweet.
Layal: bs sweet? Age9 eedy ela it7ibeena
Me: ee bs he doesn't
Layal: emballah embayeen 3ly shoufay shloun e6al3ich
Me: well i hope so

Sheftha w i couldn't believe my eyes she was beautiful. Wait ana shg3ed agoul??
Ana a7ibha?? EE W AMOUT FEEHA B3D fahad?? She doesn't love you back embayeen.

Back to hessa.
Fahad:3ash min shafich
Hessa: 3asht ayamek
Fahad: hessa you look pretty;*
Hessa: thankyou:$
And i blushed.
Fahad: umm..hessa entay tist7een meny?
Hessa: la2 shaku :/
Fahad: your blushing
Hessa: i'm not
Fahad: as you like :)
And i ignored y3nee shbgoul??
Dwart a bag bas madre ay wa7da akheth
Me: offf madre ay wa7da akheth
Layal: shoufay ay lon fahad e7ib w ikhthay bag 3la his favorite colour.
Me: okay
Hessa: what's your favorite colour?;p
Fahad: blue;p
Hessa: ok

Me: his favorite colour is blue.
Layal: ok 3yal buy a blue one
I bought a blue bag then i ate dinner and then i went home.
Me: salam
Mama: w3alikom el salam
I kissed her forehead
Mama: ha shraity jan6a?
Me: ee ana ast.then.
I went upstairs and changed into my pjs and tucked myself in bed.
1 dm it was from fahad.
Fahadalx: hessa ana lazem agoulich shay
Hessaalx: gol
Fahadalx: umm...mayengal ehnii lazem bel phone.
Hessaalx: gol ehnii mu ela phone.
Fahadalx: khal9 mu lazem agoul.
Hessaalx:umm..hatha my number 996*****
Fahadalx: ok
After 5 minutes he called
Me: alooo
Fahad: hala shlounch?
Me: zaina enta?
Fahad: good
Me: soo....shkent betgoul?
Fahad: hessa ana.....
Me: enta shnu?
Fahad: ana ummm..aaaa...shetsween?
Me: fahad lat.thay3 el mowtho3 now shfeek?
Fahad: bgoulich bs awal sem3enii b3dain teklmay.
Fahad: hessa ana mu awal mara sheftich eb starbucks dshaitay galby your kind and sweet w jameeela. Hessa ana 7baitech w mu bs 7baitech ela A3SHEEGICH ana mu g3ed al3ab 3laich wallah entay fakray bely g3ed agoula b3dain guleely.
Fahad: fakray 3del.
Me: fahad ana daykha bru7 anam.
Fahad: gn noum el 3wafy.
I thought of what fahad said and then slept.
I woke up the next day at 9:00 madre laish bs shab3ana noum. I went to the bathroom did my stuff then went downstairs i found my mama.
Me: 9ab7 el khair
Mama: 9ab7 el nour ha elyoum g3da embacher.
Me: shaswey mafeenyy el noum.
Mama: madam g3da embacher shrayich ana weyach nru7 nitrayg bara?
Me: ok
I went upstairs and wore my dark blue skirt with a white flow top with my heels and waved my hair i grabbed my lv bag along with my phone and went outside.
We arrived and ate when we finished we went back home.
i decided to tell fahad what i feel.
Hessaalx: fahad?
Fahadalx: hala?
Hessaalx: i thought about it.
Fahadalx: so what do u think?
Hessaalx: I........

Chapter 5

So went to layal's shaileh wla ashouf aziz :(
I gave him a death stare.
Layal: wain abdullah?
Aziz: shdraniii ana
Layal: waii3 enta maminek fayda
Aziz: chub w laish tabeen abdullah?
Layal: abee ewdena mac
Aziz: emshaw ana awdeekom
Layal: ok yala
Hessa: umm...layal a7es shway ta3bana maly khileg aru7.
Layal: el shaileh mafee a7ad
Hessa: emballah wahab hnak
Layal: ok kaifech, bs shnu tabeen enyeblich
I told them
B3dain re7t shailehna awal ma re7t sheft wahab.
Wahab: hessa bklmich
Me: na3am
Wahab: asef lanii ma9dgtich
Me: ....
Wahab: hessa y3nee dzley captures w eb esimich b3ad shloun matbeeniii a9deg
Me: sam7tik bs akher mara
Wahab smiled.
I went upstairs to my room and checked twitter i had 2 followers request 1 from a person i dont know fa mswait accept w 1 from fahad i accepted him.
After 30 mins yaw jawan w layal we ate then i told them about fahad.
Layal and jawan: cuuttee :')
Me: eee eyaneen
Layal: it7ibeena
Me: ma3rfa 3del a9lan
Jawan: shraykom nshouf movie
Me and layal: okay
I tweeted 'watching a movie with @jawanalx and layalalx'
After 1 min i had a dm it was from fahad
Fahadalx: ay movie itchoufeen?:p
Hessaalx: the notebook:p
Fahadalx: enjoy;*
Hessaalx: thankyou;*
Fahadalx: np;*
When the movie finished we slept.
9arlna 1 month ana w fahad enkalem b3ath w he's kind w bser3a yen7ab. So bagy 2 days for school fa i called layal.
Me: aloo layal ilyoum khan ru7 el maktba mabouga shay 3la el madrisa
Layal: ok shtqfralla maly khileg madrisa
Me: nafsy yala khal9y b3ad 20 mins ana 3endich.
Layal: ok bye
Me: bye
So i changed into my jeans and a white shirt and my silver toms and put my hair in a neat bun.
When i finished i went to pick up layal re7na el maktaba w khatheena ely nabee.
Layal: inru7 avenues neshtrii bags?
Me: okay raju ru7 avenues.
We9lana w on or way 7ag el ma7al i saw...

Chapter 4

I gave him a death stare w 6la3na min starbucks. After 15 minutes we9lana.
76aina our things.
Hessa: ana bdeg 3la jawan 3shan teyee

Layal: ok

I called jawan.
Me: hi shlounich?
Jawan: zaina intay?
Me: zaina, t3lay shailehna
Jawan: okay
Me: w sleep over b3ad 7ag el weekend
Jawan:okay, now i'll pack
Me:ok bye
Jawan: bye.

I forgot to describe jawan she's short and tanned she has a normal body and a brown coloured hair which is dip dyed with orange.
Layal: tara belail feee bbq eb shailehna
Me: 9ej
Layal: eee, wain your cousins meta byoon?
Me: their on their way.
Layal: ok
Me: khan 6oub ba7r
Layal: ok
We went upstairs and i changed.
Faj2a wla jawan itba6el bab
Jawan: taaaaaraaa ana yeeeet!!!
Me: way3aa inzain laish it9arkheen
Jawan: kaifyyy
Me: chub, w go change lana ben6oub bel ba7r
Jawan: okay.

We finished and then we went down w shefna kel our family t7t salmna, w b3dain ya wahab.
Wahab: ooo shlounkom?
Us: el7imdellah good
Wahab: be6bon b7r?
Me: eee
Wahab is my cousin he has short hair w emjasem w 3enda dimples.

We went out side.
Layal: neseet el tan eb shailehna al7een ayeeba
Jawan: ana bayee weyach.
Layal: okay
So i sat alone on the golden sand facing the sea faj2a wla fee shadow wray lafait and it was abdullah layal's brother.
Abdullah: 7e9a shlounich?
Me: zaina enta?
Abdullah: wallah zain.
I smiled and he went. Faj2a wla a6le3 el guy ely eb starbucks ( he was shirtless and tanned, tall, had curly hair and hazel eyes)
shafnii and he was staring 6oul el wakt yaw jawan w layal.
Swaina tan lamn we finished dshaina dakhel and we changed i wore a pink dress min jedam eg9eer w 6weel min wara and waved me hair w layal lebsat a flow white shirt weya yellow pants w sawat sh3rha straight w jawan lebsat shorts weya colourful top and she waved her hair we finished and went downstairs.
Wahab: hessa ta3lay baklmich!!( kan 7ail em3a9eb)
Hessa: ok.
I went to him b3dain galy:
Wahab: intay itkalmeen aziz!!!
Me: la2 shaku
Wahab: hessa LATCHTHBEEN!! 3yal hatha shnu? ( warniii captures maktoub i love you w chethy bs it wasn't me)
Me: ....
Wahab: guleeely HATHAA SHNU?!!
Me: wahab wallah masweet shay wla aklma ( and i started crying)
Wahab: mashii ya hessa ( and he left)
I went beside the beach and started crying my heart out w i remembered lama aziz told me ana awreech did he mean this??
Faj2a wla someone yaly w galy shfeech?
Lafait wla it was the guy in starbucks
Me: mafeeniii shay ( kelish mu wakta)
Guy : you can trust me :)
Me: its kinda personal.
Guy: kaifech ( wagf so he can leave)
Me: wait i'll tell you
Guy: ok
Me: my friend's brother yabenii bs ana mabee w i told him chan egouly ana awreech w b3dain today daz 7ag my cousin captures i love you w hal kalam bs wallah ana mageltla chethy ( and started crying again)
Guy: its going to be alright but please stop crying.
Me: .......( i cried even more)
He hugged me and his smell was just amazing i felt safe.
Guy: ana esimyy fahad al flanii
Me: ana hessa al flanii
Guy: teshrafna
Me: el sharaf ly.ana lazem aru7 el shaileh bye.
Guy: bye

So i got up and left. Dshait el shaileh
Layal w jawan: shaglich?
Me: wla shay ( makent abeehom e3erfon)
Me: khan ru7 mac
Layal: ok tabeen agoul 7ag abdullah?
Me: okay
So went to layal's shaileh wla..

Chapter 3

I saw 3zeez-.-
Sa7banii 3enda
Aziz: hala bel zain
Me: hednii
Aziz: wetha mahdaitech shbetswen?
Hessa: ra7 a9arikh
Chan eyhdnii
Aziz: inzain ana ba3ref laish tekrheenii?
Hessa: lanik a player
I gave him my back w re7t 3end jawan.
Jawan: 6waltay
Hessa: el 7mam za7ma shaswey.
Jawan: aha
Hessa: yala netmasha
Jawan: yala SHOPPING
We shopped wayed when we finished g6ait jawa baithom chan ared el bait lebast my pjs w g3at 3la my bed, i decided to check twitter i had 1 dm it was from aziz
Ana awreech ya hessa

Please get a life;*

I slept and woke up the next day at 10:00 i went to the bathroom did my stuff then i went downstairs
Me: 9aba7 el khair
Mama: 9ba7 el nour
Mama: ilyoum benrou7 el shaleh
Me: okay ana bru7 a7i6 my things w b3dain amour layal w enrou7 gabelkom
Mama: okay
I went upstairs backed my bag then called layal
6oo6 6ooo6 6oo6
Layal: hala
Hessa: ahlain
Hessa: layal b3ad shway bamourech w enro7 el shaleh ok?
Layal: ok
Hessa: bye
Layal: bye
I wore a light blue pants and a white 7far shirt and my silver toms and made my hair a pony tail. When i finished i went and picked up layal.
Layal: khan ru7 bucks awal
Me: okay raju ru7 starbucks.
Raju: jain mama
Me: w 7e6 99.7
Whistle was playing so me and layal sang along.
We9lana bucks kan za7ma w kela shabab -.-
Hessa: i want 1 carmel frab and 1 latte
Bucks guy: okay.
We took our drinks and on our way out sem3t wa7ed egoul hathee naaarr 3anii wla ana...

Chapter 2

It was layal's other brother aziz he's 18

Hessa: waaay yuma shfeek it9arikh?

Abdullah: shetshouf g3deen insoulif.

Aziz: inzain shaku g3ed yamha

Abdullah: kafii laish 7aram

Aziz: la2 mu 7aram. Yala bye bru7 el dwaniya

Ra7 aziz w Yat layal

Mama is calling
Me: aloo hala mama
Mama: hessa meta betrdeen
Me: b3ad 15 mins
Mama: okay ana b3ad 5 mins bdez raju eyeelich
Me: okay yala bye
Mama: bye

Me: layal b3ad 5 mins mama betdez el driver 3shan eyee yakhethnii

Layal: okay yala drink your hot choco gabel la eyee

Me: okay

Sharbt my hot chocolate then raju came and took me home
Me: salam
All: 3laikom el salam
Mama: 3asa stanstay?
Me: ee el7imdellah
I went up and changed into my pj's w ensed7t in my bed and opened my mac book and checked twitter
1 follower request from azizalx i new ena it was from layal's brother fa i accepted after 1 minute wla a dm it was from him.
Zaina you?
Madam 7a9ouna zaina ana zain
Hessa tara ana a7bch
Umm.. madre shgoul bs sorry i dont feel this way at all a7is your a brother w bs la aqal wla akthar.
Bs ana a7bch
Sorry dont feel the same way.

I just wanted to say ena i really hate aziz lana jad enarfiz w he's a player.

I tweeted ' laish enta ugh!!'
I slept and woke up the next day at 11:30 checked my phone i had bbm from
Ilyoum sharyich ne6la3

okay bs wain w meta?

Umm.. how about avenues w netqada ehnak

Me: okay yala brb

Jawan: tyt

I went down stairs
Me: 9ba7 il khair
All: 9ba7 el nour
Me: mama 3de arou7 avenues weya jawan?
Mama: okay
I went upstairs took a long shower and changed into my
Black jeans with my juicy colourful top along with my pink scarf and my brown uggs. My hair was straight i grabed my channel bag and went to the car, we9lt avenues and i called jawan.
Me: aloo jawan wainech ana we9lt?
Jawan: ana eb shake shack yala t3lay
Me: ok kanii yaya.
I went to shake shack salmt 3layha w klaina when we finished i told her.
Me: ana baru7 el 7mam.
Jawan: okay
I went to the bathroom w lama i finished i saw..

Chapter 1

I woke up around 10:30 checked my phone i had a bbm from layal

Hessa shrayich teyeen baitna ilyoum?

Okay as2al mama w agoulich

I went down stairs
Me: 9ba7 el khair
All: 9ba7 el nour
Me: mama 3de ilyoum arou7 3end layal?
Mama: okay bs meta?
Me: chethy bel 5
Mama: okay bs la6wleen
Me: inshallah.
I went upstairs and bbmed layal
Mama rethat

Wanasa t3lay at 5


So the time went by fast and it was 4:00 i took a shower and curled my hair and changed into my jeans and a white shirt with a leather dark blue jacket and my yellow hunter.

I went to layals house
Layal ana bara t3laylee

Okay coming

Layal came out
Layal: hello baby
Hesaa: hey love
And we hugged each other

I went in and saw abdullah layal's brother 1 word HOT
Abdullah: salam hessa shlounich?
Hessa: el7imdellah zaina
Abdullah: doum
Hessa: weyak
We went upstairs and started chatting
Layal: 7e9o?
Hessa: mmm..
Layal: shrayich nrou7 neg3ad bara el jaw 3jeeb
Hessa: yala
We went outside and sat on the chairs
Layal: ana baru7 aswey hot choco 7ge w 7gich w ayee ok?
Hessa: ok
So i sat outside waiting foe her faj2a wla abdullah eyeee
Abdullah: hessa deshay dakhel
Hessa: laish?
Abdullah: lana bard mabeech tistmrthain
Hessa: shd3wa 3de
Abdullah: inzain laish g3da bro7ich?
Hessa: layal g3da itswey hot choco 7ge w 7gha
Abdullah: oh okay ana bg3ad weyach 3la ma teyee
Hessa: 7yak
Abdullah ya g3ad yam hessa


I have decided to write a new story.

Hessa: long brown curly hair brown eyes tanned perfect body 16 years old.

Layal: black short hair brown eyes, white, thin 16 years old hessa's best friend.

Zaid: hessa's brother brown hair hazel big eyes emjasem jameeel.

You'll get to know more charcters later in the story.